The movie revolves around the story of two private detectives involved in the kidnapping case of a 4 yr girl...The detectives played by Casey and Michelle are initially hesitant of taking up the case but once forced into it by the girls family get caught in the roller coaster ride of emotions and personal demons in order to unravel the truth...Casey brings out a top notch performance as the detective who is torn between the doing the right thing or doing what his inner voices tell him ...He plays the character with utmost conviction and you can relate to him as a person and the decision he has to take on his journey through unraveling the case...Morgan Freeman and Ed Harris are seasoned veterans and play their characters with such ease that you yearn for more screen time from them..
The movie is shot in a tough neighbourhood in Boston where people struggle to make a decent living which adds to the dark nature of this film..This movie is not about the good and the bad but what is deemed as good in certain testing times in ones life...The movie will leave you feeling down and thinking how unfair life can get....It will leave you thinking and reminiscing times in your life where a morally correct choice you made later came back to haunt you and you were left wondering 'what if' !!!!
Rating : 8.5/10