Where'd U Go??

each and every human being seeks and cherishes the most...May it be as juveniles , adults or senior citizens all have their own special people around whom they can depend on at any time.....Friendship is not deifned by age , ur best frn could be ur father, mother, sister, brother, gf, wife or for tht case just a colleague but all of them have one thing in common a special bond...
Freindship cannot be penned in words, it is not something which follows a series of rules to materialize...It's something which develops between people carrying out their daily routines and it's not before long u realize how much u care and feel for the person,willing to do anything for them....It is not time variant, sometimes even years can't make people spending time close but sometimes it takes just a few speical moments for you to form an everlasting relation with a person...
For me friendship means everything....My friends are the basis of my living and every action i take revolves around them....People ask how much should you give in a relationship like friendship??...The patent answer being give as much as you get!!....I personally never draw a line in my blatant yet biased display of care and affection towards the ones close to me...Such feelings can't be measured or weighed but only felt for a being....The emotional rush derived from the happiness of being around your friends acts as an analgesic, numbing all your griefs and sorrows....Rendering oneself oblivious to the harsh realties of the world and just enjoying the moment to the fullest....But as they say the higher you rise, the harder you fall...One fine day this very illusion of perfection is shattered and reality gives you a hard bite in your ass.....Love turns into pain with one wondering why did he give soo much...Thats the feeling i have been left with soo many times and yet never getting to say this will be the last time....Not because i am a dolt or don't want to learn from my mistakes,but it's just the way i am...You would ask why care soo deeply that loosing hurts soo bad??....To that i have no answers anymore ,but just the life i have lived to show...The pain now is a part of the happiness which was...
I have been a roaming soul all my life, making friends in different places...But there are only a few that have left an everlasting impression in my life...Seperation from them is worse than dying for me since the latter ensures you never get to yearn for all those moments spent with them...The consequent feeling after seperation makes my life feel so void and meaningless....The only thing left to cherish are the memories and moments in time which are sketched in my mind forever....My face contorts with a melancholic smile rewinding the people and events which helped me grow as a person, yet knowing i can never get them back...Alas!!...I guess that's life and i can think of three words to sum it up... IT GOES ON!!!
To end this blog i would like to quote a few lines from a song by Mike Shinoda :
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone
Please Come back home
Thats a neat and a touchy one!As I was reading your post, I had some thoughts that crossed my mind and I couldn't help but smile :) Keep them coming!
1:04 PM
sahin likha madarchodh..keep penning
4:14 PM
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